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  • johnmcgaughey255

Final project is done!

I feel great about finishing my final project, so releaving, and just looking at my paper I feel proud of myself for accomplishing this. I do think that it is a bit too much to have a speech over my final product before the final product is even due... but thats just me bickering. I honestly really do hope that this helps the feild of artificial intelligence, and-or reinformcenent learning. I don't have the knowledge to formulate a new algorithm for the next big innovation in AI, but what I do have is perspective. Especaially as someone who is not very fond of coding, I understand the difficulties just as much as the next guy. But I also know just enough about the feild to know I don't know anything.

I could feel discouraged by this, this feeling of being so minisule in the feild where PHD's are required to work in most jobs. I did what I could, given my knowledge and position in the feild. I also did what I beleived to be important, and I think having this position gives me a bit of an advantage. I am not explicitly interested in computer science, I am interested in intellignece, biological systems, philosophy, and mathematics. Most people don't look at the feild of AI this way, and my main goal was to get my vision across.

Sorry I dont have that much time to write a long blog like I normally do, I have to finish my final presentation night speech! I promise next week I'll be back with more. For anyone reading this, have a great day and do what you love.

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